January 5, 2011


Khoji Khoo – Head of local Street Wear label HYPEKILLZ, has team up with one of the pioneer local Skate/Street Wear store SHOWROOM and Singapore/Japan well known Street Wear label ELEVENMILLION for PERVERSE 1st Anniversary. Idea of the concept of it cross-over product consisted a very important message behind revealed as Khoji share it with Clanxmag before it launch. As today we know the crisis and damage of pollution getting worse, not only Malaysia but world-wide. Khoji Khoo and SHOWROOM was always thinking to do something about this, and sharing this issue to all his friends included SHOWROOM and ELEVENMILLION Street Label from Singapore/Japan. As for this awesome collaboration for PERVERSE 1st Anniversary, Khoji and SHOWROOM idea to additional this package a privilege as gift reward to fans for long time support, at the same time sending a message to public as a Wake-Up Call for the awareness of pollution crisis.

The SHOWHYPE package would be a Raglan design by Banghoux., which made by 30's Bio-Washed fully cotton fabric with Eco-Sole printing method and a blue Sling Bag features SHOWHYPE logo. For better practical and long-lasting consume of product we strongly suggest do not directly iron on printing.

After this product launch, PERVERSE wouldn’t be distribute any shopping bag upon purchase in store as a subtile action for support environmental protection. For consumer carrying this SHOWHYPE bag head to PERVERSE store and making any purchase could enjoy additional 10% discount, even on selected discounted or on sales product would be included this privilege discount. It would be a very fresh idea come up from local Street Wear scene, with this action had achieved a win-win situation on active of the scene and action for supporting environment protection. It will be launch tomorrow 9 Oct 2010 Saturday 2pm at PERVERSE store KL.

StreetWear Store
Lot.S033 2nd Floor Sg.wang Plaza Kuala Lumpur.
Hotline : (+6012) 776 1106

本地知名潮鋪PERVERSE即將慶祝其一周年紀念,PERVERSE和HYPEKILLZ品牌首領Khoji Khoo為此慶典特意找來SHOWROOM,ELEVENMILLION和Banghoux.合作推出這富紀念性的聯名商品 – SHOWHYPE。于商品推出前夕,Khoji和Clanxmag分享了這合作背後的一個重要訊息和意義,我們都深深體會環境污染的危機和其嚴重性,這也是Khoji時常思考的問題,也努力尋找能為這問題貢獻一份力量。在商討這聯名方案時,Khoji和SHOWROOM也提案于这聯名方案注入環保意識,PERVERSE以身作則從此不再提供任何塑膠袋。而任何帶上SHOWHYPE斜提包的顧客都可以享有額外10%折扣于PERVERSE本店,店內的任何已折商品也可以享受這特別優惠!


SHOWHYPE預定明天10月9日星期六,下午2pm于PERVERSE本店正式上架! 各位潮人们务必入手!

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