December 29, 2009

NEIGHBORHOOD x fragment design Vintage Custom Works 2010

以瀧澤伸介與藤原 浩為首的兩大潮流單位Neighborhood與fragment design,2010年的一開始便推出如此令人矚目的聯名系列,採用60至70年代LewisLeathers製作的經典騎士皮衣手工進行改造的作品,以及重新以棉布材質並依照經典LewisLeathers外套版型所打造的騎士外套作品,另外的連帽PARKA也可以看出在皮衣外套中的拉鍊重點細節,當然還有兩品牌的聯名短TEE也是此次不能錯過的作品之ㄧ。藉由honeyeeFeature的專題報導完整呈現,各位不妨多多留意。

  • Uniform experiment 2010 preview NEWS !!
清永浩文(Hirofumi Kiyonaga)與藤原浩共同主理的品牌Uniform Experiment (UE), 在潮流網站honeyeePLOG之下,發表了即將推出的uniform experiment 2010 春夏商品, 可以看到兩位主理人身著的夾克左後臂位置,有著UE.NAVY閃電logo以及UE的彩色色塊等設計, 相信將在不久未來會公開全貌。

December 28, 2009

Bearbrick Series 19 after release have one of the SECRET ' STUSSY ' , Design look like Holiday style & look fresh..SO CUTE !

October 22, 2009

Awesome !!
Hypekillz Crossover Project with PERVERSE Streetwear Store owner ...They only give FREE 3pcs Crossover Tee for Lucky Draw Bearbrick SS18 on the Perverse Opening Day...

Wao...Hypekillz Release SEXUAL OBSESS New Design Tee on Oct '09 !! Available in PERVERSE Streetwear Store ~!! Limited Quantity ... Act Fast Before Gone ...

August 24, 2009

August 16, 2009

swagger x Nike Sportswear Terminator Hi Supreme

日本街头运动休闲品牌Swagger为了迎接品牌10周年庆, 与Nike Sportswear进行联名合作了相当特殊采用了蜥蜴皮压文制作出的Terminator Supreme高帮鞋款, 以薄荷巧克力与巧克力作为灵感, 相当浮夸的配色于同一双鞋

August 11, 2009

August 10, 2009

Another Crossover !!! Adidas x NBHD x Kzk !!!!
Adidas x NBHD x Kzk Boot !!!
Yeah !!! Another Adidas x NBHD x Kzk !!! Black Colour !!!!

Yeah !!! Adidas x NBHD x Kzk !!!! Blue Colour ~~

Adidas Vulcanized Boot x Kzk !!!!

NIKE Crossover Project !!! Nike Bruin x Supreme....

Adidas Crossover Project !!! Adidas x Kazuki x Jeremy Scott x Alyasha ~~
2009年适逢adidas经典三条线标志正式注册的60周年志庆,60不仅印证adidas走过的60个年头,更意味adidas Originals循环不息的创新念头。为庆祝品牌跨越如同钻石般历久弥坚的里程碑,adidas Originals以60.09(60週年、09年)为出发,开展前所未有的原创合作企划,与三位在国际中享负盛名的时装设计师及街头艺术家-Jeremy Scott、Kazuki和Alyasha,于09年春夏首度推出全新的 Originals by Originals联名系列
That's HYPEKILLZ Tee Trade Mark Label !!!
Yeah !!! that's Special Limited Edition LOVE HYPE Tee~NOT FOR SALE !!!

July 6, 2009

Hajime Sorayama X OriginalFake No Future Companion 仔細瞧

Hajime Sorayama x OriginalFake 的這隻公仔, 不, 不是公仔, 是藝術品, 為什麼13吋的金屬公仔, 真的不是一般的玩具公仔可以製造出來, 而且要付合超細膩的細節, 製作的技術性一定很高, 由其是大家都知道KAWS 現在的街頭藝術界地位, 再加上日本畫家Hajime Sorayama的美日合作, 也可以增進美日藝術交流, 這一隻絕對是值得一買, 有鐵灰和白銀兩個顏色同時也有紀念短Tee, 預計發售定價 980 USD, 雖然定價比較高, 可是市場反應十分熱烈, 看來這一隻公仔, 有機會成為被炒作至天價.
OriginalFake No Future Companion Tee

不久前才與各位分享過有關OriginalFake No Future Companion的眾多消息,今日我們也不意外的看見這圖樣被使用在短Tee上,不過卻以類素描的方式呈現,空山基大師的畫作功力在此展露無遺,與金屬公仔給人的觀感落差相當大,兩種方式都別有一番風味,請喜愛的朋友們要特別留意發售訊息喔!Check it out~
Atmos x Medicom Toy Be@rbrick 400% + 100%

早先在'09 Medicom Toy玩具展上搶先曝光, 日本首屈一指的球鞋店舖Atmos與Medicom Toy聯手合作推出一款聯名Be@rbrick. 這回共發售兩種不同的款式, 一款公仔為全白色底色, 再搭配上五顏六色的星星, 且於胸口處有著存在感十足的Atmos字樣, 而另一款則為相同設計的夜光版本. 每一組都將包括400%與100%兩種尺寸, 將於7月於Atmos店舖內限量發售, 喜愛Atmos與Be@rbrick的朋友千萬務必留意.

July 3, 2009



Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) a.k.a. Michael Jackson was an American recording artist, entertainer and businessman. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he made his debut on the professional music scene in 1968 as a member of The Jackson 5. He then began a solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group and was referred to as the "King of Pop" in subsequent years. Jackson's 1982 album Thriller remains the world's best-selling album of all time, and four of his other solo studio albums are among the world's best-selling records: Off the Wall (1979), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and HIStory (1995).
In the early 1980s, he became a dominant figure in popular music and the first African American entertainer to amass a strong crossover following on MTV. The popularity of his music videos airing on MTV, such as "Beat It", "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" — widely credited with transforming the music video from a promotional tool into an art form — helped bring the relatively new channel to fame. Videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" made Jackson an enduring staple on MTV in the 1990s.
Jackson had experienced health concerns since the early 1990s along with conflicting reports regarding the state of his finances since the late 1990s. Jackson married twice and brought up three children, actions which caused further controversy. Jackson was accused of child sexual abuse in 1993 but the investigation was closed due to lack of evidence and Jackson was not charged. In 2005, he was tried and acquitted of similar allegations.

In late 2007, Jackson said the following of his work and future influence, "Music has been my outlet, my gift to all of the lovers in this world. Through it, my music, I know I will live forever.On June 25, 2009, Jackson was found unconscious in his bed by his personal physician. He was pronounced dead at 2:26 pm PDT (21:26 UTC) on the same day. At the time of his death, he was preparing and rehearsing for This Is It, a series of 50 concerts that would have been held in London beginning July 13, 2009.

June 25, 2009

We caught another drunk fella and he says: "SUPPORT HYPEKILZZ" ~!!
The Local Dj C Master was spinned at SKY BAR one day, we got this Drunk fellow who drank too much Wine and caught him at the sofa. Guess what, his friend just put HYPEKILLZ Sticker all over his face~! haha... Keep it up Dude!
Wow..!! @=@ This guy is Awesome~! We got him at Gurney Plaza Penang! The OBAMA Tee he bought from PARANOID Gurney Plaza Penang! Thanks for the Support to HYPEKILLZ Product!!
We saw someone rocking Olga Who ? Tee with his GF in facebook! Nice shoot dude, Thanks for your Support~!!

March 3, 2009

Hype fuzzyroom Killz PROTOTYPE

HypeKillz upcoming collaboration with well renowed malaysian streetwear brand Fuzzyroom is under construction. ( Some of you may know who is Fuzzyroom )

Please leave down your comments. It will be well appreciated.


Stay tune for more updates on Fuzzyroom

March 2, 2009